As long as I remember myself, the world has been changing. The fall of communism and consecuitive rise of cleptocratic regimes, whose looting appetites would throw my country from one crisis to another. It was like the storm in the sea. Unpredictable, unstable, menacing. So I had to change, to adopt daily. And then one day when the sea was calm I moved to what looked like the perfect world. Just to discover that it was standing in the same stormy sea. Unprepared and relactant to change. In this new world I see mainly two types of people, the ones that “stiff their upper lip and carry on” and the ones that panic and break down. It is only the minority of people, those who have been through storms in life and survived them that embrace changes.
Everything changes and you cannot step in the same river twice said Heraclitus 2,500 years ago.
Change yourself to fit the new world!