Eco-trends in Home cleaning industry

LSA published a good summary of current trends in home cleaning industry. Consumer and legislative pressure on the manufacturers result in a big number of promising initiatives to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic.

Key eco-trends in this industry today are:
* Adding recycled content to the packaging (unfortunately, a short-term PR stunt, like substituting sugar with fructose in a milkshake)
* Selling solutions in bulk (promising idea, lacking convenience and scale today)
* collecting plastic back (most promising way to close the supply chain loop, conflict of interest with existing waste-to-value actors)
* DIY (the niche of the niche, like fax machines 🙂

Worth mentioning also non-plastic eco-trends:
* water/waste reduction (concentrated or recycled solutions)
* ecological and non-petrol based (renewable) solutions

Looking for ways to avoid plastic in the first place should be the first priority.

Equally important priority is a shopper education. More budgets should be spent raising awareness of the plastics threat and new solutions.

The link to the article:,361618