New Christmas arrivals

Here are my “stay-at-home” holidays reads. Get inspired!

1. Mars
The lockdown-enabled hobby of mine. I have literally opened my horizons and wish you to use this time to learn something new. Like our neighbor, planet Mars!

2. Subprime Nation, a very detailed and thorough analysis of the world working laboriously to re-install the US as a global power. Are we repeating the same mistakes, making poor nations poorer and the US stronger and richer than ever before ring now?

3. Atomic Habits
Self-development book. An easy to follow guide on changing yourself into a better version of you. Highly recommend.

4. Chimpanzee politics
The story of power and social life of apes in captivity. Can’t wait to see the parallels with human society. Excited! Got it today as a birthday gift.

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