The topic that started bothering me recently is this new fast-food sort of knowledge sharing system that pops up here and there online as the newly discovered truth.
Assume that both you and me are educated people. It took us years and years of classes at schools and universities. Countless trainings, workshops, conferences, presentations to arrive where we are today, to practice, to fail and to repeat.
So, why and how do we fall into the trap of 7 habits/5 skills/10 practices etc? Why social media are full of easy munching short-cuts? What is this, a post-knowledge?
You and me (I hope), we know that being a leader, manager, professional, requires more then 7 habits. It requires hundreds of habits. But also time, dedication, efforts, resources, money, luck and even lives.
Can a child learn walking by reading a book about 7 habits of highly efficient walkers? Can you become a good boss reading a book about talented Mr. X or will you become a successful trader having watched The Wolf of the Wall Street? And here’s a good one, what if years later, Mr. X falls from grace, gets jailed, destroys his company or life, would you downgrade to a bad boss automatically?
My school teacher used to tell us, no great ballerinas were born by watching balley on TV.
If you want to change your body, get up from the couch! (but also, don’t eat after 7, stop alcohol, reduce sugar, drink more water and repeat, repeat, repeat…)
PS: if you’ve managed to read this far, help me to identify more then 7 habits of highly effective people, post them as a comment and you will receive a highly efficient office enhancer from me!