
This is the stage the brick&mortar industry is in.

Will there be a beautiful butterfly 🦋 or an ugly moth at the end of the transformation? We’ll see.

For what I am certain, not everyone will survive this painful period. I can even bet that Amazon killer is already born. Jeff Bezos himself believes that Amazon is doomed to die.

Steam engines transformed hand-made textile industry, computers transformed book keeping. Mobile phones transformed us all as species. If online is part of our being, shopping online is a force that will transform our twenty five trillion dollar cocoon into something gracious and beautiful.

Gamification, social recognition and instant gratification are the key drivers to “lock” consumer in, to build loyalty. Augmented reality, virtual advisors, live chats with experts should be the new “norm”. The big box is an educational, experiential platform seamlessly linking off and on-line worlds.

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