Customer expectations:
- Surprise me. I want to discover things (private label, eco/bio or branded – a good mix). But pre-select things for me. Show me the best-sellers. Let me try and taste.
- Fair quality, fair price. Promotion is no longer the growth driver. I will not stock up. I live one day at a time.
- Availability. I want it now. Not tomorrow. Remember, I don’t stock up! You do it for me.
- Talk to me. I’m tired of scrolling through the phone. I need human interaction.
- Advice, guide and teach me. I want to feel special (greet me, smile to me, ask me if I need help, let me try some of that yummy stuff that I will overpay for).
- Flawless, frictionless service wherever and whenever I want it. Is what I came for out of stock? Guide me to your online store and deliver to my convenience. Don’t ever let me out empty handed.
- No queuing. Ease of access/exit. Respect my time.
- Health & planet – help me, educate me. But also lead by example.
- Recognize and reward me. Let me feel welcomed and loved. My loyalty is a struggle between convenience and sense. Give me a purpose to shop with you.
- Personify offers for me. Make a bridge between online and offline by bundling.
Implications for retailer:
- Dynamic shelf management in every isle is needed. Rigid planogram is a dinosaur.
- Dynamic pricing is needed. Want to attract more customers on a week day? Incentify them.
- Dynamic bundling. An immediate discount for an additional purchase.
- Stock of freebies, testers, samples needed.
- Jump from offline to online should be flawless. Place QR codes on out of stock product space with immediate discount as an excuse.
- Total re-engineering of supply chain.
- O2O is a must have.
- Data is everything. It allows 3rd degree price discrimination to protect your margins.
Implications for producers:
- Products – need fast change and adaptation, discontinue lines as fast as you introduce new ones.
- Pricing – commercial policies should evolve into dynamic models
- Sampling – is a must
- Packaging & content should correspond to the 2020 realities (plastic, waste, hazardous content)
- Switch to high added value product from high volume needed to secure margins.
- Partner with retail not fight it
- Share best practices