There is no spoon!

In the famous scene, Neo tries to comprehend that the rules he follows are the ones his brain imposed on him. There is no spoon, it is a fiction, mutually accepted social construct.

In the daily negotiations, I see over and over again my counterparts bringing their spoons to the table. Anchoring on them, insisting that it is the best alternative to walking away hungry.

True, when you play by socially constructed rules, spoon is a physical object with concrete value attached to it. The more spoons the better.

Yet, my objective is to prove that there is no spoon. There is no cake nor pear to cut. No win-win, nothing of those clichés. Just two individuals trying to understand each other.

Because it is by establishing direct contact with your counterpart, by building trust and credibility that the person will liberate her mind and let go of the spoon.

This act of faith is highly rewarding for both. Once the right messages are sent, the multiplier effect kicks in bringing extraordinary results.

Free your mind!

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